Bonbon Factory's - Puli

Apie has been mated. Puppies expected around the 24th. of April!


Ipolyréti Vidám Nótás Kócos-Kincsem Csahos Pörgelóci Bodrog
Pörgelóci Jégvirág
Ipolyréti Vidám Gréti Góbéfalvi Remény
Ipolyréti Vidám Cinóber
Apple Pie Ipolyréti Vidám Éger Góbéfalvi Remeny
Ludas Matyl Zserbó
Roxie Zwierz w Dredach Bogarzoi-Boros Fityisz
Tekla Zwierz w Dredach


Bonbon Factory's Apple Pie (Apie)

Breeder: Morgan White

Born. 04.02.2020

Health Deatials:


Patellaluxation free

Eye Test free

Breeding Certificate 08.08.2021


Ipolyréti Vidám Nótás

Junior World Cup Winner

Breeder: "Gyárfás László"

Born: 13.03.2021


Health Details:


ED: 0

Apie and Nótás


Bonbon Factory’s Cupcake, born on 6. October 2022 is looking for a loving home. She is a loving and affectionate Puli bitch and loves animals and children.